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Blueberry Patch Campground is a small, semi-primitive campground located along Picnic Area Road in the mid-May to end of October season. It is popular for its namesake nearby blueberry patch, stocked with high and low bush blueberries. It is open on a first come-first served basis.

Blueberry Patch Campground is a small, semi-primitive campground located along Picnic Area Road (County Route 2), next to the large blueberry patch it received its name from.  This is a popular spot to gather berries when they are in season.  The berry patch features the high bush as well as low bush blueberries.  The campground gate is open from mid May – October 31st.  Sites are available on a first come-first served basis, with a $10 per site per night camping fee.

Blueberry Patch Campground

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Backbone Horse
Green Mountain & Finger Lakes National Forests
Cayuga Village - Electric (Loop A)
Watkins Glen State Park
9.5mi 45%
Mohawk Village - Electric (Loop B)
Watkins Glen State Park
9.5mi 40%
Oneida Village (Loop C)
Watkins Glen State Park
9.5mi 45%
Onondaga Village (Loop D)
Watkins Glen State Park
9.5mi 43%
Seneca Village (Loop E)
Watkins Glen State Park
9.5mi 52%
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