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Moss Springs Campground is the perfect spot for outdoor adventurers looking for a wilderness experience. Located above Cove, Oregon, the campground lies on a ridgeline with views of the Eagle Cap Wilderness, and is connected to the Moss Springs Trailhead. It features 3 accessible campsites and toilets, plus trails to the Minam River drainage and Grande Ronde Ridge.

Located above Cove, Oregon, the Moss Springs Campground lies on a ridgeline within view of the Eagle Cap Wilderness and is next to Moss Springs Trailhead. This popular campground was constructed to accommodate visitors with packstock, riding stock and campers bound for the wilderness. The site also has 3 accessible campsites and toilets. Trails from the campground drop steeply into the Minam River drainage or follow Grande Ronde Ridge.

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Catherine Creek State Park
Two Color Guard Station
Wallowa Whitman National Forest
Wallowa Lake State Park
22.8mi 69%
Wallowa Lake State Park
22.8mi 71%
Wallowa Lake State Park
22.8mi 71%
Wallowa Lake State Park
22.8mi 72%
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