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Loon Lake campground is located on the east shore of Loon Lake and can be accessed through the Loon Lake Trailhead or boatramp. It is a pleasant campground, offering visitors a recreation opportunity guide with information and maps to aid in discovering the Eldorado National Forest.

Small boat or hike in campground on the east shore of Loon Lake campground. Access via the Loon Lake Trailhead or boatramp at Loon Lake Campground.

Pleasant Campground Recreation Opportunity Guide (ROG) - This guide contains information, maps, and directions to assist you in enjoying your trip to the Eldorado National Forest.

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Campground Matrix

Set alerts at more campgrounds to increase your odds of getting a place to stay! Below is a list of the closest campgrounds supported on Campflare. Or, view all campgrounds in Eldorado National Forest.

Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Loon Lake Chalet
Eldorado National Forest
2.7mi 74%
Loon Lake
Eldorado National Forest
2.9mi 81%
Van Vleck Bunkhouse
Eldorado National Forest
6.0mi 72%
Gerle Creek
Eldorado National Forest
6.0mi 86%
Robbs Hut
Eldorado National Forest
8.6mi 66%
Meeks Bay
Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit
9.0mi 89%
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