Tanis Mesa North Cabin is a remote site located between Tanis Mesa and the Brabazon Mountain Range, with opportunities for hiking, mountain goat hunting and other wildlife viewing. Visitors must bring several of their own amenities, including drinking water, sleeping bags and cookware. The cabin is equipped with four single bunks and a sleeping loft, as well as a table and benches, oil heater, picnic table, fire ring and outhouse.
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Nearby Campgrounds | Distance | Notification Rate |
Tanis Mesa South Cabin
Tongass National Forest
0.0mi | — |
Alsek River Cabin
Tongass National Forest
3.8mi | — |
Italio River Cabin
Tongass National Forest
23.5mi | — |
Middle Dangerous River Cabin
Tongass National Forest
24.3mi | — |
Situk Lake Cabin
Tongass National Forest
41.0mi | — |
Raven Cabin
Tongass National Forest
41.4mi | — |