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Outlaw Cave

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The Outlaw Cave Campground is a no-fee, first come, first served site located in the Middle Fork Powder River Recreation Area. It offers 12 rustic camping spaces, one vault toilet and provides access to the Middle Fork of the Powder River, a 12-mile blue-ribbon trout stretch. There is an abundance of wildlife in the area, and visitors are encouraged to respect the area's prehistoric resources. The road is closed during the winter months.

The Outlaw Cave Campground is located in the Middle Fork Powder River Recreation Area. This remote country, with its red wall and deep canyons, was a favorite hiding place of Butch Cassidy and the Wild Bunch. The area includes two caves and a corral used by the robbers to store their loot.

The Middle Fork of the Powder River, a 12-mile long, blue-ribbon trout stretch of the Powder River, also flows through the site. Additionally, the area is an elk and deer winter forage range.

The campground is a no-fee site and is first come, first served. It includes 12 rustic camping spaces and one vault toilet. There is no water and no trash collection; please pack out all garbage.

Prehistoric resources are located near the site. Please do not collect or damage these resources.

BLM recommends that you do not venture out into this areas during periods of inclement weather. Additionally, Outlaw Cave Road is closed during the winter from January 1 through April 14.
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