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Lonesome Beaver

We're sorry, this campground is not currently available on Campflare. It may be first come first serve or closed. Click the link below for more info.
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Located at 8000 feet, the Mount Ellen campground offers five campsites at the base of Mount Ellen, a peak of 11500 feet. Tour the nearby Bull Creek Pass Backcountry Byway and be amazed by geologic wonders while having a chance to spot some of the last free-ranging buffalo in the country. Information on the bison herd can be found at the Henry Mountains Field Station.

Elevation 8000 feet. 5 campsites at the base of Mount Ellen, towering above at 11,500 feet. Tour the Bull Creek Pass Backcountry Byway for sights of geologic wonders and perhaps a glimpse of some of the last free-ranging buffalo in the country. Information on the resident bison herd is available at the Henry Mountains Field Station.
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Campground Matrix

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Group Standard Overnight Use
Goblin Valley State Park
37.0mi 57%
Goblin Valley State Park
37.0mi 55%
Canyonlands National Park Needles District
Canyonlands National Park
39.1mi 69%
Indian Creek Falls Group Site
Bears Ears National Monument
44.2mi 43%
Hamburger Rock
Bears Ears National Monument
Lower Bowns
Fishlake National Forest
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