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Upper Lake Creek

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This remote campground is situated 5 miles beyond the road closure at Herd Lake Overlook, and can only be accessed by foot or horseback. It offers stunning views of lush evergreen groves, with sightings of elk, antelope and red-tailed hawks. There is a vault toilet and limited cell service at this isolated site.

This remote site is located within the Jim McClure-Jerry Peak Wilderness. It is in an evergreen grove that is only reachable by foot or horseback because it's located approximately 5 miles beyond the road closure at Herd Lake Overlook. If you are willing to make the trek to this isolated area, you may share the terrain with elk, antelope and the occasional red-tailed hawk. Amenities include a vault toilet. This site has limited cell service.
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Campground Matrix

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
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Joe T. Fallini Recreation Site
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North Fork (Id)
Sawtooth National Forest
25.0mi 77%
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