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Ramhorn Springs

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Ramhorn Springs Campground is a free-to-use campground in the high desert, featuring an informational kiosk, picnic tables, fire rings, trashcans, a horse corral, one vault toilet, packed earth and gravel surfaces, and no potable water. It is best visited during cooler months, but is open all year, though access may be limited during wet weather.

Ramhorn Springs is a small water source located in a high desert setting that has been utilized by travelers and ranchers for many years. A 10 unit campground has been constructed adjacent to it. The facilities include an informational kiosk, picnic tables, fire rings, trash cans, a horse corral and one vault toilet.

The surface in the campground is packed earth and gravel. There is no potable water. There is no fee for the use of the campground but a donation is requested to assist with the routine maintenance costs. There is not much shade in the campground, therefore the most enjoyable time to visit this campground is during the cooler months of the year. Campground is open all year, however, access is limited during wet weather.

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