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Pit River

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The Pit River Recreation area is a great spot for outdoor adventurers, featuring eight campsites with tables, firerings and barbeque pits. It also offers wheelchair accessible restrooms, a kayak launch ramp and a fishing pier, giving visitors plenty of ways to enjoy the river.

The Pit River Recreation area is adjacent to the Pit River, has a small campground with eight campsites with tables, metal firerings, and barbeque pits. Amenities include: two single wheelchair accessible restrooms, a kayak launch ramp, and an accessible fishing pier. Camping:$8.00/night
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Campground Matrix

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Pioneer Camp
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7.5mi 60%
Memorial Cabin Area
Mcarthur-Burney Falls Mem Sp Cabins
7.5mi 50%
Hat Creek
Lassen National Forest
22.6mi 66%
Lost Creek Group
Lassen Volcanic National Park
29.7mi 84%
Camp 4 Group
Shasta-Trinity National Forest
29.9mi 71%
Butte Lake Stock Corral
Lassen Volcanic National Park
31.3mi 81%
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