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Cabin Camp 5 (By Reservation Only)

Prince William Forest Park

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Cabin Camp 5 is the largest campground of its kind with a capacity of 210 in the summer and 104 in the winter. It is the only camp to have heat and an outdoor picnic pavilion, making it a great place to rent throughout the year. It is setup in two units, with cabins that sleep 2 to 4 people and large dorm buildings that can sleep up to 24.

Cabin Camp 5 was the last camp to be completed by the CCC and WPA. The camp offers the largest capacity (210 in summer, 104 in winter) due to the large dorm buildings and restrooms. This is also the only camp with heat, so this camp may be rented year-round. This is also the only camp to have an outdoor picnic pavilion located inside the camp. Cabin Camp 5 is set up in two units with cabins that sleeps 2 to 4 people and larger dorm buildings that sleep 24.
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