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Guy Sandy Campground is a primitive summer campground located on the western shore of Lake of the Arbuckles. It provides basic amenities such as communal water spigots, pit toilets, picnic tables, fire rings with grills, and RV spaces. It is open seasonally from Memorial Day Weekend to Labor Day Weekend.

Guy Sandy Campground is open seasonally for the summer. It opens no later than Memorial Day Weekend and closes no earlier than Labor Day Weekend. It is located on the western shore of Lake of the Arbuckles. This primitive campground offers basic amenities only. RVs are permitted, but no hookups are available. Communal water spigots and pit toilets are available. Each campsite has a picnic table and fire ring with a grill.
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Campground Matrix

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Buckhorn Pavilion
Chickasaw National Recreation Area
Veterans Lake Pavilion
Chickasaw National Recreation Area
Buckhorn (Ok) Chickasaw Nra
Chickasaw National Recreation Area
3.9mi 83%
Cold Springs (Ok) Chickasaw Nra
Chickasaw National Recreation Area
Central Group Camp (Ok) Chickasaw Nra
Chickasaw National Recreation Area
Rock Creek Group Camp (Ok) Chickasaw Nra
Chickasaw National Recreation Area
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