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Gateview Campground is situated in a deep and narrow canyon near Blue Mesa Reservoir. It is accessible via CO Highway 149, 7 miles west of Powderhorn, followed by 6 miles north on the Blue Mesa Cutoff Road. The campground provides a variety of tent camping sites and is not suited for RVs or pop-up trailers due to its narrow gravel road.

Gateview Campground is located in a deep, narrow canyon at the extreme south end of the Lake Fork Arm of Blue Mesa Reservoir. Take CO Highway 149 7 miles west of Powderhorn, then 6 miles north on the gravel Blue Mesa Cutoff Road. All sites are first-come first-served. Gateview is best suited for tent camping. Due to the narrow gravel road, even small RVs or pop-up trailers are not recommended. Elevation: 7538 feet
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Campground Matrix

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Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Red Creek Group Site
Curecanti National Recreation Area
Lake Fork
Curecanti National Recreation Area
7.0mi 67%
East Elk Creek Group Campsite
Curecanti National Recreation Area
Stevens Creek
Curecanti National Recreation Area
Soap Creek
Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre And Gunnison National Forest
12.0mi 92%
Alpine Ranger Station
Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre And Gunnison National Forest
13.4mi 77%
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