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Porcupine Flat Campground

Yosemite National Park

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Porcupine Flat Campground is located off the Tioga Road about 30 minutes west of Tuolumne Meadows and over an hour from Yosemite Valley. RVs and Trailers are not recommended for the narrow roads in this more primitive campground. At an elevation of 8,100 feet (2,500 m) elevation, the campground is near Porcupine Creek, which is the only water source (must be filtered, treated, or boiled). The Porcupine Creek Trailhead is nearby. There are no visitor services close to the campground.
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Campground Matrix

Set alerts at more campgrounds to increase your odds of getting a place to stay! Below is a list of the closest campgrounds supported on Campflare. Or, view all campgrounds in Yosemite National Park.

Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
North Pines
Yosemite National Park
4.6mi 92%
Lower Pines
Yosemite National Park
4.7mi 91%
Upper Pines
Yosemite National Park
5.0mi 93%
Camp 4
Yosemite National Park
5.1mi 93%
White Wolf
Yosemite National Park
6.2mi 93%
Tamarack Flat
Yosemite National Park
10.1mi 93%
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