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Castle Rock Campground is a six-site campground located south of Prineville, Oregon, offering year-round camping, fishing, hiking and photography opportunities along the Crooked Wild and Scenic River. The campground features ADA-accessible vault toilet and is a great spot for bike riders as the State Highway 27 between Prineville and Bowman dam is a state scenic bikeway. Cell phone service is not available in the campground.

Located south of Prineville, Oregon, this six-site campground offers year-round camping and Crooked River access along the Lower Crooked Back Country Byway. Castle Rock looms above its namesake campground on the Chimney Rock section of the Crooked WIld and Scenic River. An ADA-accessible vault toilet is onsite.

Know Before You Go:

  • Open year-round on a first-come, first-served basis; no potable water available.
  • Cell phone service is not available in the campground.
  • Watch for bicyclists: the section of State Highway 27 between Prineville and Bowman dam is a state scenic bikeway

Point of Interest:

Castle Rock Campground is the first in a series of twelve Bureau of Land Management recreation sites along the Crooked Wild and Scenic River, south of Prineville, Oregon. Eight additional campgrounds, two day-use areas and a trailhead offer ample access to camping, fishing, hiking and photography.

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Campground Matrix

Set alerts at more campgrounds to increase your odds of getting a place to stay! Below is a list of the closest campgrounds supported on Campflare. Or, view all campgrounds in Crooked Wild And Scenic River.

Nearby Campgrounds Distance Notification Rate
Prineville Reservoir State Park
Prineville Reservoir State Park
13.6mi 50%
Prineville Reservoir State Park
13.6mi 50%
Prineville Reservoir State Park
Prineville Reservoir State Park
Smith Rock State Park
Smith Rock State Park
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